As a material, raw wood is as unique as it is fascinating. We regard it as our privilege to be able to manufacture high-quality hardwood flooring from this precious natural product and are duty-bound to use our resources in a responsible manner.
As a material, raw wood is as unique as it is fascinating. We regard it as our privilege to be able to manufacture high-quality hardwood flooring from this precious natural product and are duty-bound to use our resources in a responsible manner.
As a leading European manufacturer of hardwood flooring, we bear a huge responsibility to leave a small environmental footprint – out of respect for nature, future generations and ourselves. This is why we are always tweaking and refining our comprehensive sustainability strategy. In our materiality analysis, we identified four core themes, which we would like to explain in brief in the following. Detailed information about these can be found in the full report.
As a wood processing company, sustainability is deeply embedded in our DNA. Just how this is implemented is a key focus of our transparency work and is therefore a core priority. Sustainability is a fixed component of the Bauwerk Group’s strategy and the Group follows an integrated approach in all areas of sustainability.
Our materiality analysis highlighted that supply chain management should be our main focal point. In order to conserve resources, the Bauwerk Group follows a local, environmentally-friendly purchasing policy. For us, disclosing our business practices and the origins of our raw materials is an essential element of comprehensive reporting. Only through transparent guarantees of origin can we ensure that we meet our sustainability goals for procurement.
Our main goal is to work with and for people. This is reflected in our openness about our employment practices and the care we take when it comes to health and safety at work. We’re proud that our staff turnover rate is only approx. 10.6%. Both our accident statistics and working conditions are disclosed in detail. Our products are completely safe for residential use, a fact confirmed by many independent certificates that are also presented as part of this report.
We are committed to reducing our environmental impact so that we can continue to use our raw materials sustainably in the future. As a manufacturer and direct user of the forest, we work on continuously reducing our environmental impact at all sites in accordance with the ISO 14001 certification. One visible effect of this is our steadily decreasing waste rates. We also use renewable electricity at our production sites, generate our own solar power and consistently monitor our electricity consumption. We’re also proud of the fact that we have reduced the use of fossil energy in our logistics.