BOEN constantly seeks methods for processing the raw materials in the most gentle and sustainable manner possible.
BOEN constantly seeks methods for processing the raw materials in the most gentle and sustainable manner possible.
Today, more than 95% of all raw materials used in production originate from forests within Europe, that have extensive reforestation programs and either belong to forestry certification schemes like e.g. FSC™ or are working towards certification. In the BOEN Group, all BOEN companies have implemented a chain of custody system in accordance with the FSC™ standards. As a procurer of timber BOEN has an important heritage to maintain. Constant dialogue with environmental protection authorities and organizations, investment in new manufacturing technologies allows us to continually reduce waste.
All raw material used in production is sourced from forest areas that are properly managed with a high degree of regeneration. The goal is to ensure that all of our raw material is certified. We invest in sustainable production and guarantee a controlled and certified supply chain. The development of alternative exotic species shows BOEN’s consciousness towards the environment.
We offer products that respect the environment and human well-being. The adhesive and surface treatments that we use do not produce any hazardous gases or other bi-products.
Multi-layer hardwood flooring provides considerable savings in resources compared to solid hardwood flooring. The use of hardwood is limited to the wear layer. Three-fifths of our parquet is based on spruce and pine woods. Sawn and planed chips are by-products that occur naturally and are used in the factory’s heating systems for the drying kilns, hot water supply and fuel pellets.
Use our floor options and find the hardwood floor that fulfils your needs.
We would like to share with you the most important highlights and successes we have achieved during the last year.